Friday, October 23, 2015

Lab 6

Start to take the functions we have already used like symbology, selection, and tools in the toolbox to learn how to navigate and select different options in the data files.


Every lab I am amazed how much detail goes into each of these projects. The complexity seems to intimidating right now but I am starting to become more comfortable. Worked with the selection "select By Attibutes" using Method: Create a selection and add to current selection  selecting "ways" within the road data (UW>UWroad_clip.shp). Started working with statiscs to analayze the selctions using ROLL_LEN feature see below:

Used the selection tool to select within the university district then with that selection used the select by location that allowed me to select all of the roads within the university district allowing me to run any available statistics I wanted. 

Started working with the union function in the toolbar to "unionise" to layers and create a selection from that, 

Worked with the interect tool to select within not including the "water ways"

and Identity within the (analysis tools>overlay> identity) 

Clip (Analysis tools>extract>clip input:road, and clip:"neighborhood"
New section Raster maniulation

Raster calculator ("dem30_uw" * 2) converts multiplies map values by 2 you can see the high value doubling from 1428 to 2856. 

Final areas of the lab focus on pulling statistics from the map. Functions give a huge range of functions Focal/Zonal/Global statistics to pull information out of the data. (Spatial Analyst>

Reclasify is useful allowing new categories to make data easier to work with. Especially useful if to areas are similar and you want to combine them into one making the data easier to read or it was not interpreted correctly

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