Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Final Project

Goal: To build a model to predict light levels based off of Landsat data, and field data.

Base files used
FieldOBS.csv (converted to feature class through ARCmap XYFieldOBS.csv
Landsat data (sept022006utm.img)

Base Setup
Basemap= Imagery with Labels
XYFieldOBS symbology changed to 

Base image
>Spatial analyst tool>multivariate>Iso Cluster Unsupervised Classification=ISOcluster layer
Created an Cluster classification and then using reclassify reduced the classification from 13 to 10 categories that i felt represented the areas well. 

Reclass images timeline
Using Sept0220065utm and Study area made a clip of the study area using image analysis toolbar and created an NDVI>clip_sept022006utm.img>NDVI_slip_sept02006utm.img>and exported the raster data (file: NDVI) which allowed me to create a dat table that I joined with the original XYfieldOBS to take NDVI data and compare it to the original data in excel. Light and NDVI were graphed using a scatter plot with a trendline

Data quite spread out from trendline note: r^2 = 0.10 and the trendline equation y 241.08x+8767.6 

The equation allows an individual to predict light intensity using the equation above x=NDVI value and y is predicted light intensity with a low goodness to fit (R value) of .10 percent. I am no sure why it eded up in such a low R value maybe if I had relassified it more times it would have resluted in a higher goodness to fit. 
The ovserved NDVI and Predicted (created using raster calc with the values (NDVI * 114.65) + 38957 ) shown below (file name P_lightraster)



Using>Spatial analyst tool>Zonal> Zonal Histogram, and Zonal Statistics as table I was able to view that data

Next I wanted to combine other areas of study from the class so I added the Dem30_uw and using the spatial analyst tools>Surface>Hillsshade to give more depth to the map, 

Then defning roadways that were not clear changing the symbology to represent each type of raodway. 

Finaly overlaying the basemap referrencces and ISO4

The ISO4 I changed the display to have a transparency of 50% to help display the hills and roads below

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